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There are some actions that can almost unquestionably be labeled plagiarism. buying, stealing, or borrowing a paper (including, of course, copying an entire paper or article from the Web); hiring someone to write your paper for you; copying large sections of text from a source without quotation marks or proper citation.
Different types of plagiarism are
According to the website “Recent studies indicate that approximately 30 percent of all students may be plagiarizing on every written assignment they complete.” According to that same site, the problem is extensive in Arizona.
Main reasons due to which students plagiarize are
To avoid plagiarism, one should be Pride in one’s Work and do not cheat. Plagiarism is a serious academic crime. It's also easy to commit by accident if you're not careful. It’s similar to steal someone’s property. We all should try to avoid plagiarism. Not only because it is illegal but being Muslims it’s our moral duty not to cheat or hurt others. Try to spread this as much as possible to make people aware of it. We should try to stop remove plagiarism at our own level.
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